Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Compare the Contour Ab Belt to the Flex Belt

I recently gave up on my news years resolution to get to the gym more often. I still have my membership dues to pay, even through I always find a reason why I can't get to the gym, and swim suit season is almost here. I need help. Something or someone to motivate me. A personal trainer? Too expensive. I think I found the answer, an ab belt.

Ok. I admit it. I try to flip by those 30 minute infomercials and something always gets me to watch. Is it the shots of hard bodies in swimsuits, the testimonials that show life changing results or the announcer saying "but wait there's more"?

I saw the Contour ab belt infomercial one night and ordered it. I didn't know what to expect so I  got the 30 day trail for $14.95. Excited to see what I had just done I went online to do some research. To my surprise I found a number of site comparing the Contour Ab Belt to a Flex Belt.

Most of these comparison sites have links back to the flexbelt site. And after reading some of these sites I clicked on the link and had an idea. I will order the flex belt and do my own comparison. The flex belt doesn't have a trail offer so I had to pay full price.

So stay tuned. When I get the Contour Ab belt and the Slendertone Flex belt I will post my comparison results.
Hope to see you on the beach....

Contour Abs Belt vs The Flex Belt